Grow your ancillary revenue

Setup your favourite restaurants to get a quick overview of your most referred restaurants. A quick search feature is always available if you get a special request from a guest. Filter and sort the list for the most optimal view of restaurants.

View and keep track of all of your reservations. 72 HOURS from time of reservation. That’s how long the restaurant has to update the number of guests or register no-shows. Keep track of commission registered on the reservation list.

A whitelabel feature to set up a hotel page with customised branding. The page is publicly available for hotel guests to book your favourite restaurants. The hotel page can be accessed through links or QR codes.

Get insights to your hotel performance. See how many guests you have sent to restaurants over a period specified. See the top performing restaurants and benchmark with entire market performance.

Get invitations or vouchers to restaurants. Manage your invitation in a simple view. We urge you to accept the invitations to experience the amazing partnering restaurants on the platform.

Get a quick overview of partnering restaurants near your hotel. It has never been easier to help guests find a local restaurant.

Book directly on the platform. Make a search for specific times and find available tables on your favourite restaurants. You can also just register a booking you made directly with the restaurants. You decide – both count and you earn commissions on all partnering restaurants.

Refer to a new restaurant or a new user. We reward you for any referral you make. Just contact us to hear more about this program.Refer to a new restaurant or a new user. We reward you for any referral you make. Just contact us to hear more about this program.

The platform is available on all platforms including mobile, desktop and Ipad