Get access to thousands of high spending guests from 4 and 5 star hotels.

Get a quick overview of all features available. Creating demand for your restaurant requires customisation. Don’t worry – we are here to support you.

View and keep track of all of your reservations. 72 HOURS from time of reservation. That’s how long you have to update the number of guests or register no-shows.

This is your commission dashboard. Use it to set the amount you want to pay for guest referrals, adjust for dining periods, and establish tiers. Pro tip: boost the incentive during slow periods to maximise occupancy.

Host events and offer experience. Send invitations to hotel users on the platform or simply just invite guests of your choice. You have a real time view of the open rate and who has accepted the invitation.

This is how the hotel’s users and guests will see your restaurant on the platform. We always make a first draft and urge you to update information and manage images on a regular basis.

Get insights to your restaurant performance. See how many guests you have received from hotels over a period specified. See the top performing hotels and users and benchmark with entire market performance.

See reviews and ratings from hospitality experts in your area. Reviews from hospitality peers are more credible than google or Tripadvisor ratings.

Manage several restaurants from a group login. Get a group overview of reservations and all other features listed. As a restaurant group you get special pricing. Just ask us:

Get the bookings online. We make integrations with restaurant management systems. Let us know which system you are using and we will activate this feature for your restaurant.