Finally, an easy way to get customers in seats and reward loyal referrers.

You’re still rewarding loyalty like it’s 1920
We think there’s a much better way to reward loyalty than free drinks, meals and cash payments. Gone are the illicit payments in brown envelopes.
Join PERE and reward the hotel and concierges in a compliant way. Your accountant, lawyers and the authorities will love you for it!
The world’s first
PERE is the first – and only – tool for rewarding hotels and concierges for the guests they send to restaurants. And it brings more guests for restaurants and extra income for hotels in a compliant way.
We have solutions that cover both stand alone restaurants, restaurant groups and hotels groups that need to improve cross sales among their own restaurants.

“PERE has been a perfect and unique tool for attracting the right high spending crowd for a premium restaurant like URLA”
General Manager
URLA Restaurant
More guests for restaurants and extra income for hotels
Stop relying on free drinks, meals and illicit cash payments to reward loyalty. With PERE, it’s never been faster and easier to say “thanks”.
PERE in 3 steps
Hotel staff and concierges use PERE to discover and make restaurant reservations for hotel guests.

Restaurants get high-spending hotel guests and pay a small fee for each reservation.
PERE collects reservation fees from restaurants and shares with hotels and concierges.